Monitoring Exiting Employees
- Effectively monitor activities of high risk employees who are in the notice period
- Effectively control access to exiting employees thereby mitigating the range of sensitive data that they can send out of the company
- Detect decrease in productivity and work hours during exiting period
- Build chances of finding out if an exiting employee is disgruntled as well which might lead to organizational damage
- Extend security and monitoring layer beyond workstations and laptops to mobile devices and handhelds being used by the exiting employees
- Protect organizational confidentiality by monitoring employees more closely or as a team or as a group when mass layoffs happen
- Safeguard your organization against employees who are fired and switch to revenge mode against the company
- Enable a history check on employee’s previous activities after an employee resigns and detect signs of probable breach
- Enable complete remote lockdown on end user laptop in case the employee flees away with the laptop or absconds.